building use policies |
Building Use Policies
The purpose of the First Baptist Church Family Life Center is to provide a place with a Christian atmosphere, for spiritual education and creative and meaningful activities for members and their guests. The Family Life Center is an integral part of the total ministry of First Baptist Church and seeks to compliment and undergird all ministries of First Baptist Church.
All members of First Baptist Church, its organizations, ministries, and guests are encouraged to participate in the use of the building's facilities and activities in accordance with First Baptist Church's policies and procedures.
The schedule for the routine hours of activities will be posted on the bulletin board on the wall at the entrance of the Fellowship Hall/Office Building. Hours may vary depending upon seasonal activities and special events. All events are to be scheduled by requesting a Facility Use Request Form from the church secretary and turned in to the office at least two weeks before the event. The Church Secretary will in turn seek the approval of the Pastor and leaders of the Building, Property and Transportation Team and the Outreach Ministry Team.
1. Use of tobacco, alcohol and/or any controlled substance (excluding personal prescriptions) are not permitted.
2. Users of the facility must conduct themselves in a Christ-like (ethical and respectful) manner at all times. Abusive language, profanity, gestures or
actions are not permitted. Dancing is not allowed.
3. In case of minor injury, an incident report shall be filled out with the Church Secretary. In case of major injuries or emergencies, contact the
Secretary immediately.
1. Appropriate gym attire must be worn at all times. All clothing must be modest and in good taste in its appearance. Note: The Staff or the person
designated as the person in charge has the right to determine "appropriate" gym attire.
2. Shirts and shoes must be worn in public areas at all times. No "shirts vs. skins" games are permitted.
3. Proper court shoes must be worn while using the gym. Shoes that mark the floor are not allowed.
4. Participants' torsos and shoulders are to be covered in public areas at all times.
5. Spandex shorts must be covered by other shorts. T-shirts and gym shirts must be worn over body suits.
1. Food or drink is not allowed on the gym floor during gym use.
2. Basketball and volleyball standards will be installed by Church Staff only.
3. Equipment (balls) must be returned to the appropriate storage place.
4. Hanging or climbing on basketball rims, volleyball nets or supports will not be allowed.
5. Programmed activities (basketball, volleyball, church-sponsored games) have priority over individual play.
6. Team practices as well as games must be scheduled through the Church Secretary.
7. Minors must be supervised by adults at all times.
8. All trash shall be picked up and placed in proper containers, including restrooms, floors swept.
The facilities of First Baptist Church, Rice are a vital part of our ministry. To continue to make the use of this facility a ministry, there are no formal fees for church members, with the exception of our current Wedding Policy fees, although donations are appreciated. Random and unscheduled use by the membership is permitted as long as no other event or activity is scheduled and air conditioning or heating is not adjusted.
Any group requesting the use of the kitchen must fill out a Facility Use Request Form and turn it in to the church office. Instructions on how to use the kitchen equipment is necessary to assure safety and proper maintenance. The responsible person for the group will need to make arrangements for instructions with the church office. Minors under the age of 16 will not be permitted to operate the kitchen equipment. An adult must supervise any other minors under the age of 18. Workers will be responsible for their own children while working in the kitchen. All kitchen items (dishes, utensils, or small appliances) must remain in the Family Life Center. The proper procedures for cleaning the kitchen are posted in the kitchen. The above outlined procedures will assure that the kitchen is in top working condition with all available resources to make your event a success. Any questions or comments may be directed to the Church Secretary.
Worship Center: $250
Gym: $250
Kitchen: $100
Fellowship Hall: $100
* If the Worship Center is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $100 will be required. The party reserving the Worship Center may also request that the church janitor clean the Worship Center for $100.
* If the Gym is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $100 will be required. The party reserving the Gym may also request that the church janitor clean the Gym for $100.
* If the Family Life Center rooms, the Kitchen and/or the Fellowship Hall is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $50 per room, $50 for the Kitchen, and/or $50 for the Fellowship Hall will be required. The party reserving the Gym may also request that the church janitor clean at the same rates.
* If the Church Secretary provides a party with a key, the key must be returned within 24 hours or an additional fee of $25 will be required.
* It is understood that some groups have been approved use of our building for years and the
original agreements made with them shall be honored.
* No building use fees are required for funerals or meals for the deceased’s family.
Download the building use request form by clicking the button below.
The purpose of the First Baptist Church Family Life Center is to provide a place with a Christian atmosphere, for spiritual education and creative and meaningful activities for members and their guests. The Family Life Center is an integral part of the total ministry of First Baptist Church and seeks to compliment and undergird all ministries of First Baptist Church.
All members of First Baptist Church, its organizations, ministries, and guests are encouraged to participate in the use of the building's facilities and activities in accordance with First Baptist Church's policies and procedures.
The schedule for the routine hours of activities will be posted on the bulletin board on the wall at the entrance of the Fellowship Hall/Office Building. Hours may vary depending upon seasonal activities and special events. All events are to be scheduled by requesting a Facility Use Request Form from the church secretary and turned in to the office at least two weeks before the event. The Church Secretary will in turn seek the approval of the Pastor and leaders of the Building, Property and Transportation Team and the Outreach Ministry Team.
1. Use of tobacco, alcohol and/or any controlled substance (excluding personal prescriptions) are not permitted.
2. Users of the facility must conduct themselves in a Christ-like (ethical and respectful) manner at all times. Abusive language, profanity, gestures or
actions are not permitted. Dancing is not allowed.
3. In case of minor injury, an incident report shall be filled out with the Church Secretary. In case of major injuries or emergencies, contact the
Secretary immediately.
1. Appropriate gym attire must be worn at all times. All clothing must be modest and in good taste in its appearance. Note: The Staff or the person
designated as the person in charge has the right to determine "appropriate" gym attire.
2. Shirts and shoes must be worn in public areas at all times. No "shirts vs. skins" games are permitted.
3. Proper court shoes must be worn while using the gym. Shoes that mark the floor are not allowed.
4. Participants' torsos and shoulders are to be covered in public areas at all times.
5. Spandex shorts must be covered by other shorts. T-shirts and gym shirts must be worn over body suits.
1. Food or drink is not allowed on the gym floor during gym use.
2. Basketball and volleyball standards will be installed by Church Staff only.
3. Equipment (balls) must be returned to the appropriate storage place.
4. Hanging or climbing on basketball rims, volleyball nets or supports will not be allowed.
5. Programmed activities (basketball, volleyball, church-sponsored games) have priority over individual play.
6. Team practices as well as games must be scheduled through the Church Secretary.
7. Minors must be supervised by adults at all times.
8. All trash shall be picked up and placed in proper containers, including restrooms, floors swept.
The facilities of First Baptist Church, Rice are a vital part of our ministry. To continue to make the use of this facility a ministry, there are no formal fees for church members, with the exception of our current Wedding Policy fees, although donations are appreciated. Random and unscheduled use by the membership is permitted as long as no other event or activity is scheduled and air conditioning or heating is not adjusted.
Any group requesting the use of the kitchen must fill out a Facility Use Request Form and turn it in to the church office. Instructions on how to use the kitchen equipment is necessary to assure safety and proper maintenance. The responsible person for the group will need to make arrangements for instructions with the church office. Minors under the age of 16 will not be permitted to operate the kitchen equipment. An adult must supervise any other minors under the age of 18. Workers will be responsible for their own children while working in the kitchen. All kitchen items (dishes, utensils, or small appliances) must remain in the Family Life Center. The proper procedures for cleaning the kitchen are posted in the kitchen. The above outlined procedures will assure that the kitchen is in top working condition with all available resources to make your event a success. Any questions or comments may be directed to the Church Secretary.
Worship Center: $250
Gym: $250
Kitchen: $100
Fellowship Hall: $100
* If the Worship Center is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $100 will be required. The party reserving the Worship Center may also request that the church janitor clean the Worship Center for $100.
* If the Gym is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $100 will be required. The party reserving the Gym may also request that the church janitor clean the Gym for $100.
* If the Family Life Center rooms, the Kitchen and/or the Fellowship Hall is not cleaned after use, a janitorial fee of $50 per room, $50 for the Kitchen, and/or $50 for the Fellowship Hall will be required. The party reserving the Gym may also request that the church janitor clean at the same rates.
* If the Church Secretary provides a party with a key, the key must be returned within 24 hours or an additional fee of $25 will be required.
* It is understood that some groups have been approved use of our building for years and the
original agreements made with them shall be honored.
* No building use fees are required for funerals or meals for the deceased’s family.
Download the building use request form by clicking the button below.